Are you being authentic in your home, life and business?

What Does Being Authentic
Mean for You?

True confessions from a Professional Organiser.

Have you ever had the feeling of being out of sorts and just not comfortable with your current situation, surroundings, job, particular relationships, your body, or business?

This is how I know I’m not being my authentic self. I feel uneasy in my body, everything in my surroundings starts to bother and annoy me, I’m dissatisfied with results of my work, relationships with loved ones feel awkward or disjointed, my body starts to niggle me with pains or  discomfort and my business loses momentum.

Are you being authentic in your home, life and business?

So my confession is; being a Professional Organiser doesn’t mean everything is perfect all the time. When I am not being my authentic self in all areas of my life breakdowns start to happen.

Over the last few months I’ve been sharing some of my Brick Wall Wisdom’s with you and till just recently I’ve been on track to ensure I’m aware of that Brick Wall and not hitting it again. Well as I start to sense the relapse of my old ways I wanted to confess.

By not keeping true to my self and remaining authentic I can see I’m risking the chance of Hitting the Brick Wall.

My attention to what needs to be done quickly over rides my authentic self. Not saying that the need to do things don’t have their own justifications just that when we let them over ride what is genuinely good for our selves we venture into some shaky territory.

My confessions:

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  • Completing a task over rides the time needed to prepare nourishing food.
  • Answering emails in the morning instead of taking a walk that clears the mind for the rest of the day.
  • Ignoring daily journal writing that centres purpose and gratitude in favour of zoning out with a TV show.
  • Being just on time or even a little late instead of arriving in good time relaxed and completely present.

What things could you be doing that is not allowing you to be authentic in your home, life or business? I would love to hear from all no need to confess all it just might help someone else who has had a similar experience.

Stay tuned to Outside the Box Blog for more on living an Authentic life and creating an Authentic home.

with love and gratitude,


With Infinite Peace and Gratitude from,
