Listen to the Authentic You for Lasting Results – Brick Wall Wisdom #4

Brick Wall Wisdom #4

Listen to the Authentic You for True Lasting Results.

How often are you sitting quietly with yourself to plan your actions? Not your to do list and daily tasks that are necessary to run an effective life, but the actions that have lasting consequence.
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    • Responding to offers in business,
    • requests for help, developing a new project,
    • changing direction in your career or business,
    • taking on a new health regime,
    • taking on further training or education,
    • starting a new system of organisation for time or your spaces.



These are all requiring actions that may serve you better if taken into consideration while in alignment with your authentic self. Where I see this in clear examples is in other peoples lives when their is a need to get organised. Most people have tried to implement organisation techniques from books and TV shows without first taking in to account the true nature they posses around being organised or how it will reflect their authentic life, home or business.

I confess that every time I have made decisions without being in alignment with my authentic self either the plan doesn’t have a good result or my health in some way is compromised due to taking on something beyond my ability to cope with in the time frames I have.

I usually use my morning walk for reflection time. I also find being among nature and around water ways very helpful in creating more clarity around my thinking. What are the things you do to try to create the quiet moments for contemplation?

Action: Before embarking on new significant actions this month take a moment of solitude and reflection to tune in with the authentic you.
Make your plan from this place and you will find the results will be far more effective and long lasting.

With Infinite Peace and Gratitude from,
