Your Ideal Week


Have you struggled to find a routine that matches life’s ebb and flow? The idea that routines are rigid and strict goes against every sense of what being organised means. 

The outside the box definition of organised living – Having structure for your day, week and month that allows for flexibility and flow when life and opportunity take you on a different path.

 It’s time to try an outside the box approach to your weekly routines. Find flow and ease in getting essential life tasks done. Keep on track, reduce overwhelm and form those life-fulfilling habits.


Through working with thousands of clients who have struggled to find time for what is important to them, I designed the Ideal Week Template. 

Your downloadable PDF includes detailed instructions on how to create your ideal weekly routine. If you’d like more in-depth instructions, read my eBook “The Truth About Habits, Routines & Schedules”.

The colour scheme allows easy time blocking and encourages a stronger sense of time for those with ADHD.

As a downloadable A4 PDF file, it is completely adaptable for digital or print use, making it easy to take anywhere.


  • Step-by-step instructions for best results
  • Ideal week routine example included to help you get started.
  • Designed to serve a variety of learning styles and assist memory seeding.
  • Supports executive functioning for ADHD in planning, sense of time and prospective memory.
  • A4 PDF file ready for printing for those hard copy handwriting friends.
  • Easily upload to apps like GoodNotes 5, Notability, Nebo, CollaNote, Evernote and more to markup on your digital device.