Overwhelmed by Too Many Ideas?
How to stop being buried by an avalanche of fabulous ideas.
Have you had so many brilliant, fabulous ideas that you end up buried under a landslide of overwhelm and not knowing what the next step should be?
It’s a common experience that my ADHD entrepreneurs share with me. It’s a double-edged sword for them. On the one hand, the gifts of having ADHD make for a plentiful supply of original and creative ideas or solutions. On the other are some of the drawbacks of ADHD executive functions – these are the mental processes that enable us to plan, organise, and complete tasks. For individuals with ADHD, these functions can be challenging to start or self-activate on those ideas, see all the steps and plan out the ideas or sense how long the idea would take to complete.
Let’s look at how we can harness those fabulous ideas while not getting so snowed under and ending up paralysed or overwhelmed by trying to do it all:
Consider setting criteria for fabulousness
This is your power tool. Set a few simple criteria measures, then view how each idea ranks. For instance, you could ask yourself: Is there already something like this that will do almost the same thing? Will I be excited about this in six months or twelve months? If I had to spend my weekends making this happen, would I be willing to give up other things I like? These are just a few examples of criteria you could use. This is your way of taking charge of your ideas, not letting them overwhelm you but guiding them towards their true potential.
Recognise this is not the only fabulous idea you’ll have
You are a wellspring of inspiration. You have the most amazing idea generator on the planet. Add a uniquely and powerfully ADHD brain, and you are set up for a life filled with great ideas. Let go of the fear that this one idea is the only good idea you’ll ever have, and you may find that you come to these with more ease and a sense of fun.

Come to an agreement on how many fabulous ideas you can realistically complete
Take some time to look at all the ideas you’d love to work towards. Then, make a rough estimate of the time they will take you to bring to life. Times that estimate by three, and you might have a rough estimate. Considering that, on average, 30% of life is needed for sleep, and 25% of our adult life is spent working to earn a living, how many ideas could you realistically complete in your lifetime? This thinking can help you filter out the ideas that really mean something to you and let others fall away.
Braindump the idea while it’s hot so you can return to it later
Speak your ideas into a voice-to-text app or jot them into a notebook while they are hot. It’s super tempting to launch into an idea while it’s hot. At this point, your strong interest-based nervous system likely wants to dive into every idea. Allowing your fabulous ideas to be captured for a more spacious investigation may bring even better ideas to the top while reducing the feeling of having to fulfil the concept there and then.
Ask yourself if this fabulous idea is for you or would be better if you gifted it to someone else.
I love this approach because it’s win-win. When you give an idea to someone else, you see your spark turn into reality without being overwhelmed by trying to make all your ideas come to life. This act of sharing benefits others and fosters a sense of connection and generosity within you.
Now It’s Your Turn
What are some of the ways you manage your avalanche of ideas?
Which of the strategies above will you use?
How will you remind yourself of these strategies when you next get buried in an avalanche of fabulous ideas?
I’m sure everyone would love to hear your take on this and even add your ideas to their own, hehe!
Now might be a great time to grab a copy of my “ADHD Guide to Productivity and Flow – Live your potential with ease”. Inside are more practical tools that will reduce the overwhelm and support your ADHD journey.
Unlock Your Unique Flow and Get Things Done
Embrace all of who you are on your ADHD journey, for it is where you find how to live your potential with ease. I’ll walk you through eight steps to meet your ADHD productivity challenges and uncover your strengths.
Get your guide delivered straight to your inbox, free.
You can find a lot more free resources on the Watch. Read. Listen page to help you with your Organising and AHDHD Journey.
Learn more about the Outside the Box Coaching Philosophy HERE!