What Can We Learn From My Kitchen Rules?

I confess reality TV has sucked me in!

Apart from being a qualified Chef what interests me most when watching My Kitchen Rules (MKR) are the real reasons the contestants succeed or fail and usually causes me to start shouting at the TV. It all comes down to being ORGANISED! If you look at the winners of each show down ultimately they get through because they kept their cool, they had a plan and they were able to be on time at each course all due to their organisational skills.

The best thing about becoming a Chef for me is that today these skills are translated to help my clients.

Would love to hear from you if you’ve discovered a skill that has translated into another area of your life. Jump in on the conversation on Facebook.

Take Control. Organise Your Life Inspirations.


In the kitchen SPACE is at its premium. Our busiest room in the house when organised will save you hours of time and hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Here are my top tips for keeping organsied in the kitchen.

  1. Create zones in your cupboards and drawers. Keeping all the baking items together for example. Determine what your most used items are keeping those in easy reach of the preparation zone.
  2. Label, label, label!! Commercial kitchens not only label their storage containers but also the shelves where they are stored so that way everyone can find the item they need quickly.
  3. Create a master pantry list. The most time consuming part of organising a kitchen is finding the hidden treasures and then locating the use by date. I would have thrown out thousands of dollars of food in my time as an Organiser!


What I most value from my time being a Chef was the LIFE lessons that it taught. Don’t think that for one moment that I want to go back to that life, it certainly isn’t as glamorous as it looks believe me![column col=”1/4″]ADD_CONTENT_HERE[/column]

  1. To be a success you need to have passion for what you are creating.
  2. Making plans for the future need to be written down. Menu planning happens months before and then gets trickled down into daily actions. Without a plan we plan to fail as they say.
  3. Prepare for the busy times now! You don’t know who’s going to walk through your door tomorrow so be prepared for that great opportunity or surge in your business. Being unprepared could see that customer leave without paying their bill.

Email me at Carolyn@outsidetheboxsolutions.com.au or join the Organising Outside the Box Community on Facebook.

Need hands on help?
Call me on 0416 127 004 for availability of one to one coaching, hands on professional organising and workshops.

Looking forward to giving you more ways to live the life of your dreams.

Yours in organised bliss,

With Infinite Peace and Gratitude from,
