Part of our survival instinct is remembering the “bad” things more vividly than the “good” things. But we can do so much more than see them as warnings of what not to do again by looking at how these events might turn into gifts. Could you have found new knowledge, increased resilience or strength, or inspiration for a new direction? Could you celebrate your beautiful ADHD uniqueness and turn the lessons from the past year into your greatest gifts?
In my early twenties, my boss told me that I insisted on beating my head against the wall until I bled before learning from my mistakes and shortcomings. The fact that I remember this nearly three decades later makes me see the gift in his bluntness and observation. I became far less stubborn and closed minded, but I still had some lessons to learn about celebrating wins and finding value in my uniqueness.
Fast forward to my late thirties, I found myself on the edge of burnout from relentlessly striving for more and more. Every time I would achieve a goal, I found myself feeling deflated. Where was the feeling of success and accomplishment I should be feeling? Wasn’t that the promise of setting a goal and going after it? My lesson came after burning out and being given the gift of realising I needed to celebrate the big and small wins for myself. Waiting for others to recognise and celebrate them for me could not replace this.
I get it; we don’t easily see the gifts in challenging experiences. When ADHD is impacting you, it can feel like constantly walking through the mud. Even simple daily life activities create challenges; if everyone else seems to do them, they are not worth celebrating.
So, with the most genuine of hearts, I invite you to look back on this past year. Don’t worry; I’ll be walking beside you with some coach guided questions to find the gifts and celebrate all that is your beautiful uniqueness.
Time to Celebrate Your ADHD Uniqueness
Let’s discover some gifts together:
- What was the most unexpected thing, outcome or challenge you had this last year?
- What strengths and values supported you through these?
- What are the things you know now that you didn’t know before?
- Who are you now after having this experience?
- What will you celebrate and make part of your life next year?
Here are my answers to help you get started. Getting started is the hardest part, right?
- The most unexpected thing was getting an opportunity to explore the Positive Intelligence program. Then, deciding to train and become a PQ coach. My challenge has been managing menopause symptoms that drain my energy, make me fuzzy in the head, and cause inexplicable pain and weight gain.
- The strengths that helped me through have been – outside the box thinking (no pun intended, I just can’t think of a better way to put it.), willingness to be responsible for my happiness and finding enjoyment in everyday things. Body-based awareness. The values I pulled on – continuous practical learning, ingenuity and integrity.
- I now know that I had premature peri-menopause from my late twenties until I was in my forties. I now know that my hyper-achiever and hyper-rational saboteurs are very clever at disguising themselves as something good for me and my goals.
- I am more and more myself. I have even more affinity with the experiences of those around me, which has expanded my empathy, innovation and purpose.
- I will celebrate the expansion of my understanding of what it is to be a human in this world. I will celebrate what my body can do and not be hard on myself for what it can’t do. I celebrate getting the all clear of five years in remission from my Gynecologist Oncologist; woo hoo! I will celebrate all my opportunities, whether I took them or not.

Okay, now it’s your turn. If you love this idea but need accountability to follow through, just email me using this link, and I’ll follow up in a few days to see how you’re doing.
Download your free worksheet to help you reflect, celebrate your ADHD uniqueness and wins, and embrace your strengths.
Unlock Your Unique Flow and Get Things Done
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Learn more about the Outside the Box Coaching Philosophy HERE!