Keep Resources at Your Finger Tips
Is home office organising high on the priority list? It usually is for those who are studying or run a micro to small business from home. But what are the best tools to keep things like resources and notes at your finger tips? To help you get the most out of your space and time these are my absolute favourites. That’s what it’s about really isn’t it? How to spend less time looking for what you need. How to create a home office you enjoy being in and stay organised.

Organising Bulky Study Resources
The humble magazine holder is one of my favourites for keeping larger resources organised. Use this tool for organising by project type. Don’t be tempted to mix subjects or projects in one holder. The best and quickest way to find what you need is to have clear and distinct categories. That is why the magazine holder is so great. It also allows you to take the whole project to the bookshelf and back to the desk when you are working on it. My favourites are sized slightly larger than A4, a magazine holder smaller than an A4 display folder is almost useless. You can find the right sized tool at kikki.K. You will find a wide range at Officeworks though many are suitable for magazine or A4 notebooks only. The best investment is to use sturdy cardboard varieties. Because the collapsible style does just that, they collapse! As a personal choice for our environment, I avoid plastic also.

Keep it Visual for Maximum Home Office Organising
I love that the best things for home office organising are also the simplest. Sometimes they are even the cheapest! Do you have piles of paper on your desk in the hope they act as visual reminders? I’m not about to tell you that you’re wrong, piles work for the right people and situations. If you need those visual cues to help stay on task this tool will accelerate your productivity. A clipboard labelled with a simple tag by project name or task is the answer for the piler’s reading this. Add some hooks to your wall and all your projects can be seen in one glance and accessed instantly. This tool set up is ideal for the resources you print off or receive as smaller publications. Make your own tags to bring in your unique style. My favourite is the clear clipboard from Officeworks for under $2.50. Yes, they are plastic but the options are limited in good sturdy styles in cardboard. I’ve used these same clipboards for over 7 years so they last too.

Quick Access Desktop Station
Absolutely the quickest and most versatile of the home office organising tools is the step file and manila folder. Because this tool sits on the desk top it’s ideal for frequent resource referencing or short term projects. I always recommend a metal graduated height style. That’s because it helps the visual cues for what is needing attention. As with the magazine holders, I recommend manila folders in foolscap size so papers don’t stick out and look untidy. Label by project name or by the type of action for other items. You can find step files in most good stationery and office supply stores. The ones you see here are from kikki.K but are no longer available, sorry for teasing. Keep your eyes on your local stationery stores they are quite the fashion item these days.
Next Steps to Home Office Organising Success
These tried and tested tools are going to help save you loads of time and energy looking for things you need to work with. Having the right tools definitely, helps any small business owner or student. The next step once you have your tools sorted is making your time count. Time is your most precious resource next to your health so don’t underestimate its importance. Learn more about ways to be more productive and avoid procrastination in my latest free eBook “Procrastination 8 Ways to Finish What You Start”. Pop your name and email in the form below and I’ll send it to your inbox this way you can read online, download or print it. All the very best with your home office organising, if you need more help don’t hesitate to ask me a question or leave a comment below.