Why Organise a Wardrobe?
Well, that’s an easy question to answer, but what about what it costs! For me, the real motivator to organise the wardrobe comes down to the amount of time, money and energy I would have to spend if I don’t keep it organised. Australians are the biggest spenders of fashion in the world! As ranked by Statista in 2015. Spending on average $1050 per capita. Australian Bureau of Stats has recorded the average household spending $44/week on clothing and shoes. Households with kids spend between $67 – $82 /week. With so much money invested in our wardrobes spending a little time and effort getting organised makes sense. We do it with many other purchases like our cars….we ensure, garage and service them so we get a long life or great resale. Actually, I figured out that in just four years you could buy a car with the money a household invests in their wardrobes. The other cost to us that is not replaceable or duplicable is the time we waste looking for things! It has been found that the average person spends 2 weeks every year just looking for items! I know what I would do with two weeks of time saved, go on a lovely holiday. There are so many other great benefits to getting your wardrobe organised, just trust me you are going to absolutely love the feeling when you’re done. So let’s do it!
5 Simple Steps to Organise Your Wardrobe
Step #1 Define the outcome before you start
Now we know the outcome we want is to have an organised wardrobe, but for you particularly what is the thing you most want from your organised wardrobe? One outcome might be to have quick easy access to my go-to pieces – eg. Workwear, gym gear the things you wear nearly every day. A different type of outcome might be that you want to mix and match your outfits so you get a different look every time. Both will take a different approach to where you decide to keep things in your wardrobe.
Step #2 Clear the clutter from your wardrobe
If you have the room and time pull everything out of your wardrobe and sort into keep, donate and sell. This can be the hard part for some, but try to keep your emotions out of the process and keep your eye on the desired outcome. If you don’t have time to do all at once do small sections of your wardrobe over the space of a few weeks. It’s amazing what you can do with just 10min a day.
Step #3 Cleanse the space
Wardrobes are natural collectors of dust, insects and moulds. I prefer to clean with natural cleaners, a little tea tree or eucalyptus oil mixed with water in a spray bottle will deter any bugs and moulds from coming back. Just add 1-2 teaspoons to a 500ml water bottle with spray trigger, label the bottle clearly to avoid incorrect use. Spray all surfaces lightly and wipe with a clean cloth to cover all surfaces.
Step #4 Create Zones or Categories
Your classified zones and categories need to suit your lifestyle and desired outcome. This is the area I find clients need the most help with, understanding what will work for them. We know that the 80/20 rule applies to the wardrobe, you will wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time. This is a great place to start understanding what your zones or categories will be. Then assess your space – the lengths for hanging items from the rails, sizes of the drawers and shelves so the categories you create will fit together. It only now that you can safely determine what storage items you might need. Below are some of my top storage savers in the wardrobe.
Step #5 Celebrate and reward yourself
This is an important step to keep you motivated and to really feel how much value you’ve given to yourself. Don’t skip it!

Make Space
The easiest way to make space is to swap out your summer or winter wardrobe twice a year. These storage boxes from Big W have activated charcoal to limit musty odors and increase airflow while in storage. Airflow helps deter insects and molds.

Save Hanging Space
Wooden coat hangers are wonderful if you have the room. but if you don’t the velvet covered flat wired hanger is the obvious superior choice. Save at minimum 25% more space.

Smart Built In Solutions
The trouble with a lot of built in wardrobes is the restriction of depth for adding draw systems. This mesh drawer system is perfect for narrow built in spaces which several of my clients love.

Use Hard to Reach Spaces
Sometimes we just have to use all the available space. Under bed storage boxes are ideal to protect from dust. Store rarely used items here e.g items used for travel only. Order for delivery in the Perth area 0416 127 004.
Have fun creating a wardrobe you love to use. Would love to hear how you go, leave a comment below we’d love to share your bliss. As always if you need more help please reach out and contact me. Of course, if you want hands-on help organising your wardrobe I’m only too happy to come to you. Not in Perth! That’s fine too we do travel and I have a network of experienced colleagues around Australia and New Zealand I can put you in touch with.